Cage is an implant for intervertebral disc replacement, designed for cases of degenerative disc diseases.
Hernia, deformities, tumors, and instabilities of the intervertebral space.
Cage promotes spinal fusion enhanced by the use of bone graft.
Peek is a biomaterial of high performance and intrinsic radiolucent. Peek gives permeability in x-rays and CT scans, allowing you to view and evaluate bone growth at the adjacent inner region of the implant.
Serrated surface provides resistance to migration of the implant.
Axial opening accommodates the bone graft, which accelerates the melting process through the Cage.
Location marker allows you to view the Cage’s position at the time of insertion.
It reproduces the anatomical shape of the intervertebral disc space.
Angled tip facilitates the insertion of the implant.
Reestablishing lordosis angle allows the physiological function of the lordotic spine.
Application instruments allow minimal invasive surgery.